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About Wyn Enterprise

Our Story

wynEnterprise, an award-winning business intelligence platform for years, has been sold globally to Fortune 500 companies and is continuing to grow its market share and win the trust of new customers in various industries. 

wynEnterprise began as a re-architecting of ActiveReports Server to be a platform-agnostic and plugin-oriented enterprise solution. Wyn Enterprise supplies analytics, dashboarding and data visualization functionalities to enterprise users. 

The complete functionality of wynEnterprise is accessible through modern browsers using responsive portals making seamless on-the-go secured business intelligence a reality.  

The Evolution of Wyn Enterprise

In 2011, the first self-service enterprise reporting platform called ActiveReports Server was introduced as a result of years of innovations in the reporting market space. Over the years, new features and capabilities were added aligning customer requests and market demands to the product roadmap. 

In 2017, after years of R&D, ActiveReports Server was re-architected to include more advanced data-governance capabilities, and a self-service dashboard module was added. The enhanced platform became much more than an embeddable self-service reporting platform. 

Introduced as the next-generation enterprise BI platform, wynEnterprise offers embedded BI and self-service capabilities, dashboard and report options, scalable architecture, and much more to help businesses make strategic decisions. With server-based licensing, organizations are free from user fees or limits on data size. 

wynEnterprise is developed and supported by an experienced team of engineers and product managers. The team has worked exclusively on reporting and data analysis products since 1997. At wynEnterprise, we pride ourselves on our cutting-edge product, its’ scalability, and excellent customer service. Our teams work hard so that our customers’ needs are met with quality solutions and avant-garde features that empower your users with self-service BI to quickly find important insights within your data and make impactful business decisions. 

Learn More About Wyn Enterprise

We offer three options to explore Wyn's embedded BI and advanced analytics capabilities.

Watch a Demo Video

Take a Wyn tour.

Watch our Wyn Enterprise video demo -- learn about our user portals, our Dashboard Designer, and create a report in seconds.

Watch Demo

Online Evaluation

A 15-day online trial. 

This evaluation enables you to explore our dashboarding and reporting functionalities using Wyn’s demo data.

15-Day Evaluation

Try Wyn with Your Own Data

A 30-day full-function trial version of Wyn.

Download Wyn Enterprise on-premise for you to evaluate with your own data and security.

30-Day Wyn Trial