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Wyn Licensing Frequently Asked Questions

How is Wyn Enterprise licensed?

Wyn Enterprise is licensed on a “per-server” basis with no per-user fees and no run-time royalties, so you can scale your application from 1 user to 100,000 users without an equivalent increase in licensing fees.  

Each active production server deployed in a production environment requires its own license.   

A discussion with a Technical Account Manager will help to determine how many licenses you will need.   

Will we need to purchase additional Wyn Enterprise licenses for our back-up servers?

It depends on your specific requirements. For instance, if your backup server is configured to operate only when the primary server is down, then no additional license is required.  

However, if your backup server is active when your primary server is running, then an additional license may be required. 

A discussion with a Technical Account Manager will help to determine how many licenses you will need.   

Will we need to purchase additional Wyn Enterprise licenses for our development servers?

No. Once a Wyn Enterprise license is purchased for a production server, it can be installed in the production environment as well as the development and test environments without the need for additional licenses for those servers, so one license covers production, development, quality assurance, and fail-over servers. 

This means that one license should be sufficient for most applications. The only time you would need more than one license is if you have more than one production server (see above).

How much does Wyn Enterprise cost?

There are a few factors that influence the cost.  The number of modules will affect the price along with the number of production servers you intend to utilize.  

If you would like to discuss pricing and/or receive a quote for Wyn Enterprise, please email

Does Wyn Enterprise have any user limitations or per user fees?

No. Wyn Enterprise is licensed “per server” and is NOT dependent on how many users are accessing your server.  A single Wyn Enterprise license may be sufficient to provide self-service BI and reporting capabilities to every user in your organization. 

A discussion with a Technical Account Manager will help to determine how many licenses you will need.   

Can I embed Wyn Enterprise modules in my commercial application?

Yes. Wyn Enterprise can easily be embedded as a “white-label” component in your commercial product offering. Wyn Enterprise would provide the “self-service” functionality behind the scenes, so your customers would not know they are using Wyn Enterprise to slice, dice, distribute and display their data. 

This type of licensing arrangement requires a custom agreement.  If you have questions about this type of implementation, contact for more information.

Would my company be billed annually for Wyn Enterprise or is this one-time fee?

Wyn Enterprise offers multiple “off the shelf” licensing options as well as custom agreements, so the amount (and timing) of your payments can be customized according to your needs.  

To discuss your application timelines and invoicing requirements, please contact

Are there any sizing requirements for the server on which Wyn is installed?

Sizing is dependent on many different factors, such as the number of concurrent tasks, the size of those tasks, how much data is involved with each task, and more. A discussion with a Technical Account Manager will help to determine if your data size

For IT professionals, as a point of reference, a 2 GB Dual-Core server would run Wyn Enterprise, but it would probably not be as performant as you would like. The Wyn Enterprise installer requires 500-750 MB for the product to download packages and install.

Learn More about Wyn Enterprise

Learn how you can leverage analytics as part of your standard workflow.

We offer three options to explore Wyn's embedded BI and advanced analytics capabilities.

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