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The Impact of Business Intelligence on IT: Part 3, Helping CIOs Optimize

The modern-day Chief Information Officer (CIO) is stuck in a vulnerable position. They're tasked with the essential yet brutal responsibility of leading information technology (IT) initiatives to meet organization objectives but often have to do so without the proper resources at their disposal.  

Whether it's an inconsistent budget, trouble retaining their team members, or needing more IT management tools to do the job, CIOs are challenged with trying to meet unrealistic expectations without everything they need. The most notable roadblock, however, is making critical decisions to optimize IT resources without the right information at their disposal.   

There lies another issue: Many CIOs aren't leveraging easy-to-use business intelligence (BI) platforms that can visually present actionable insights that improve IT monitoring and decision-making. Luckily, we're here to tell you how self-service BI tools can give your CIO a single source of truth to optimize IT resources. Here are our top 5 ways: 

  1. Gives CIOs a Central View of IT Systems
  2. Provides Automated Alerts
  3. Helps Reduce Wasted IT Costs
  4. Allows CIOs to Spot Improvement Opportunities
  5. Lets CIOs Proactively Identify IT Issues


1. Gives CIOs a Central View of IT Systems   

First and foremost is the benefit of data centralization. Visibility is often tricky in IT and cybersecurity management because countless devices, applications, and users exist on a single network. While plenty of different tools can monitor activity and usage for these network resources, they'll be scattered throughout various interfaces.

BI tools consolidate data sources into one system to give CIOs a holistic view. You can get a single source of truth from the integrated BI platform rather than navigating computer tabs and web apps to find the information needed for that next big decision.  

2. Provides Automated Alerts

Without manually tracking server capacity, potentially threatening network activity, or if an application isn't performing correctly, how would you know which areas need immediate attention? This approach of having a CIO sit on their computer to monitor the network would be absurd.  

Automation is far more practical for uncovering notable events. One of the most valuable features of BI tools is the alerts and notifications. By integrating with server monitoring tools, asset management platforms, and other systems collecting and tracking IT data, CIOs set threshold-based notifications --- allowing them to spend time on more strategic technology initiatives while swiftly remediating any alerted issues. 


Incase you missed the first and second part of this blog series, click below!

The Impact of Business Intelligence on IT: Part 1, Freeing IT Resources

The Impact of Business Intelligence on IT: Part 2, Reducing Data Requests

Dan Columbus

Dan is the Director of Enterprise Sales focusing on BI and data-analytics products. Dan holds a BS in engineering from Penn State and has used it for a career in technical selling and management. He is always seeking the “win-win” deal and enjoys working with clients to help them achieve their goals.  

When he isn't working with data clients, he spends time with his family and enjoys traveling to new places with them. Dan also enjoys art, architecture, and loves to compete in poker tournaments.

You can connect with Dan on LinkedIn.

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