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What’s New in Wyn Enterprise 3.6

We are pleased to announce the release of Wyn Enterprise 3.6. This release offers several new features and enhancements with WynDashboards, WynReports, and Wyn Enterprise Server. If you haven’t seen Wyn Enterprise in action yet, you can request a demo here.

Wyn Enterprise Server

Here is an in-depth look into what’s new on the server-side of Wyn Enterprise.

Custom Resource Storage

Instead of limiting your resource storage capability to only PostgreSQL, admins now can store resources in their own database technologies according to preference, having the option to choose between PostgreSQL, SQL Server, MySQL, or Oracle. This allows for distributed resource storage, and for IT to tie Wyn Enterprise’s resources into existing IT infrastructure for backup/restore and availability across the enterprise.

Audit Log

Track resources, usage, context, and more across all users in your instance of Wyn Enterprise. This information reflects what documents have been accessed, frequency, parameters used, and context associated with all actions.

Migration from ActiveReports Server 12

Easily convert your ActiveReports Server 12 implementation to Wyn Enterprise. This automated script and migration documentation will help migrate everything on your instance of ActiveReports Server 12 to a new instance of Wyn Enterprise.

Distributed Installation and Load Balancing

Install on multiple machines using a shared data store for load-balancing and scalability. This enables scaling and load-balancing using a standard network load balancer.

Personal Categories

Users can now organize reports and dashboards in a manner that they are comfortable with, rather than depending on the admin-determined structure of the Document Portal.

Managed Schedule Templates

The Admin(s) can control whether a group of users has customization access to change schedule recurrence settings, email content, recipient(s), and other information at the time of creating the scheduled task.

Organization Security Management

Admins can now manage tenants/departments (logical groups of roles) together as one entity, further embracing the effectiveness of Wyn Enterprise in a multi-tenant deployment. Shared contexts, such as UserID, EmployeeID, Last Name, Email, etc., can be defined and used to ensure row level data security or data source authorization.

Semantic Data Model Enhancements

Semantic Models have been further enhanced with additions of attribute descriptions.

Enhancements to Multi-tenant Support

You can setup rules to limit information by company and department, restrict sensitive information to those with clearance, deliver different data to different customers, or brand reports for different audiences.


Here is in-depth look into the new features of the WynDashboards module.

Trend Lines

Add trend lines to your data visualizations to identify trends. Users can choose from a variety of different trend line types, and customize the line style, scope, width, and color.


Dashboard Exporting

Export snapshots of your dashboards as .PNG or .PPT format. This enables one-step exports for snapshots of dashboards.

Fixed Size Dashboard Layouts

Make your dashboards pixel-perfect; dashboards with fixed size layout will not resize based on screen resolution. This is especially useful when you need to control the size of embedded dashboards, and also when printing content on a page or PowerPoint slide.

KPI and KPI Matrix Enhancements

We have improved the KPI control in WynDashboards to improve support for delta labels, icons/indicators for delta values, and added additional properties to define colors and formats for the KPI Matrix values and charts.

Trellis Support for Gauges and KPIs

Users can now organize Gauges and KPIs visualizations in Row and Column Trellis across dimensions in a dataset. This allows for a more detailed exploration of the dashboard’s data using the Gauge and KPI controls.

Scenario Layout Enhancements

Enhancements for layout control, padding, placements, and more for visualizations and the backgrounds on dashboards. This offers more granular control to the dashboard creator to make the dashboard look and feel exactly how the user wants it.

Data Table and Pivot Table Design Enhancements

When working with a Data Table or Pivot Table, users now have more complete control of the appearance of the controls’ layout and column sizes. You can now resize the sizes of individual columns, rather than all columns inheriting a universal width property.

Custom Map Selection and GeoJSON Enhancements

Simple UI/UX enhancements made to the user-process of selecting a custom map in the Map control. Users can now more easily work with their custom spatial data to visualize their information.


Here is an in-depth look at new features in the WynReports module.

Tablix (Pivot Table) Wizard

Create complex pivot tables with a drag-and-drop creation tool. This enables both technical and non-technical users to get the information they need in their reports with less effort and time required than before. Users have complete control over what data is displayed in the Tablix, with a drag-and-drop interface within the tool for assigning data fields to the Rows, Columns, or Values of the pivot table.

Tablix (Pivot Table) Wizard

Semantic Model Enhancements

Semantic Model definitions are only loaded as needed, improving overall performance and usability in reports. This has a positive result on the overall performance of the designer in the design environment.

Exporting Defaults

Define export defaults so advanced settings do not need specified with each report export. Users can use the pre-defined default export and have the ability to go to an advanced mode if they need a special setting for their desired export format.

UX Enhancements

When using Shared Datasets with parameters, the WynReports Designer now intelligently adds/merges repeated parameters to make the design time experience easier for the report author. The Designer also has a further developed Save As button now to allow for creating a copy of the Report or Template without needing to return to the Documents Portal first.

Are you interested in implementing an advanced BI system into your business? Try us out or request a demo to learn more about Wyn Enterprise.

Ethan Conner

As a Technical Account Manager with the Wyn Enterprise team, Ethan loves the collaborative, team-oriented culture. In his spare time, he enjoys playing guitar and drums, learning new technologies, and reading. You can find him on LinkedIn.

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