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What’s New in Wyn Enterprise Server

Wyn Enterprise 3.6 is here. The server management aspect includes several new features and enhancements. If you haven’t seen Wyn Enterprise in action yet, you can request a demo here.

Read the full Wyn Enterprise 3.6 release.

Wyn Enterprise 3.6 New Features

Custom Resource Storage

Resource storage for Wyn Enterprise is now much more flexible. Instead of limiting your resource storage capability to only PostgreSQL, admins now can store resources in their own database technologies according to preference, having the option to choose between PostgreSQL, SQL Server, MySQL, or Oracle. This allows for distributed resource storage, and for IT to tie Wyn Enterprise’s resources into existing IT infrastructure for backup/restore and availability across the enterprise.

Audit Log

This new feature provides Admins with a way to track resource access across Wyn Enterprise. This information reflects what documents have been accessed, frequency, parameters used, and context associated with all actions. Information like user log in, resource rendering, data usage, resource creation, schedule execution, and more are tracked and available for analysis in an intuitive dashboard in the Admin Portal.

This feature is especially helpful for regulatory and audit compliance for data security/privacy needs.


Migration from ActiveReports Server 12

We have finished the migration script to assist existing users of ActiveReports Server 12 in migrating to Wyn Enterprise. This automated script and migration documentation will help migrate everything on your instance of ActiveReports Server 12 to a new instance of Wyn Enterprise. Manual changes will need to be made if you utilize the REST API or Custom Security Provider features of ActiveReports Server 12.

Personal Categories

Users can now organize reports and dashboards in a manner that they are comfortable with, rather than depending on the admin-determined structure of the Document Portal. This also means that any ad hoc report or dashboards users design can be organized in their own categories.

Managed Schedule Templates

This new feature brings distribution schedules control to the administrative users of Wyn Enterprise. The Admin(s) can control whether a group of users has customization access to change schedule recurrence settings, email content, the recipient(s), and other information at the time of creating the scheduled task.

Distributed Installation and Load Balancing

Wyn Enterprise can be installed on multiple machines, physical or virtual, all using the same data store. This enables scaling and load-balancing using a standard network load balancer. As a result, you will not see any impacts on overall performance across Wyn Enterprise during times of heavy load.

Organization Security Management

Admins can now manage tenants/departments (logical groups of roles) together as one entity, further embracing the effectiveness of Wyn Enterprise in a multi-tenant deployment. Shared contexts, such as UserID, EmployeeID, Last Name, Email, etc., can be defined and used to ensure row level data security or data source authorization. Group Admins can also be configured with specific administrative permissions to allow for pseudo-admins of tenants to be able to create datasets themselves.

Semantic Data Model Enhancements

Semantic Models have been further enhanced with additions of attribute descriptions.

Enhancements to Multi-tenant Support

You can set up rules to limit information by company and department, restrict sensitive information to those with clearance, deliver different data to different customers, or brand reports for different audiences. Use isolated, shared, or hybrid data sources. Control what data end-users have access to, while their UserContext dictates the data returned by reports’ dynamic queries. Extensible security providers allow for integration with virtually any authentication method or security system your web application uses.

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