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What's New in WynDashboards v7.1

WynDashboards v7.1 is now available. In this release, WynDashboards focuses on expanding and improving visualizations to meet the growing demand for quicker insights in the BI industry. Recognizing the need for enhanced data literacy, we introduce a Natural Language-driven Insights tool. This feature acts as both an action tool within existing scenarios and a standalone, configurable Insights scenario, enabling users to quickly analyze datasets and share concise, text-based insights for a more comprehensive understanding of complex data visualizations and actionable trends.

Read the full Wyn v7.1 release post here.

Enhancements to New Map Visuals

The 7.1 release brings a host of compelling enhancements to our Map Visuals, elevating your mapping experience to new heights. Here's a detailed breakdown of the exciting upgrades:

  • Support for Mapbox Tiles and Customization Options in Maps: The addition of support for Mapbox Tiles opens the door to creating visually stunning maps with customizable themes directly on MapBox. While this feature introduces an additional subscription, it empowers users to take full control of the aesthetics, ensuring maps align seamlessly with their brand identity or specific analytical requirements. The ability to customize map themes on MapBox directly adds a layer of personalization, allowing users to craft maps that are both visually appealing and tailored to their unique preferences.

  • Ability to Support Cluster Points in Maps: The introduction of Cluster Points support in Maps is a game-changer, significantly improving the visualization of dense data points on the map. By grouping closely located points into clusters, users can now navigate and interpret extensive geographical data more efficiently. This enhancement ensures that even intricate datasets are presented in a clear and comprehensible manner, facilitating better decision-making through enhanced spatial insights.

  • Bubble Map Enhancements: This includes enhancements in color visualization and bubble size optimization. The result is a more intuitive and visually appealing representation of large points data on the map. With a broader color palette for data categorization and optimized bubble sizes, users can delve into their geographical data with precision and clarity. These enhancements contribute to a more engaging and insightful mapping experience, allowing users to uncover patterns and trends effortlessly.

  • Legend on Heat Maps: The inclusion of a Legend enhances the interpretability of Heat Maps, providing users with a key to decipher the color gradients and intensities. This improvement ensures that users can derive more accurate insights from Heat Maps, making them an even more valuable tool for visualizing spatial data trends.

New Data Visuals

Explore expanded possibilities for data visualization with the inclusion of diverse chart types in the 7.1 release. These additions cater to a variety of use cases, providing users with enhanced tools to extract insights and convey data trends effectively. Here are the new visuals introduced:

  • ECharts Gauge Chart - This visual is designed to convey measurements, progress, or any metric requiring a clear and visually engaging gauge display.

  • Line Dot chart - This visual adds a layer of detail to your data representation, allowing for a more granular analysis of changes over time.

  • Reverse Radial Charts - These visuals provide an alternative perspective, offering a circular layout that stands out from traditional chart types.

  • Trend Background on KPI Charts - This enhancement enhances the visual context for your KPIs, allowing users to quickly identify performance trends over time.

  • Symbol Maps - This visual allows users to map data points using customized symbols, providing a spatial context to your information.

  • Decomposition Trees - This visual enables users to break down complex datasets into structured and comprehensible components.

Natural Language Generation Text Scenario

Introducing InsightIQ, a revolutionary addition to our feature set that transforms the way you interact with your data. InsightIQ is a Natural Language Generation Text Scenario that takes data summarization and insights derivation to a whole new level. This powerful tool allows you to seamlessly distill the essence of your visuals into articulate and easy-to-understand natural language text, facilitating quick reviews and automatic insights extraction.

Key Features of InsightIQ:

  • Summarization of Visualizations: InsightIQ enables the automatic summarization of visualizations. Whether you're dealing with complex charts, intricate graphs, or extensive dashboards, this feature condenses the key information into clear and concise text. This ensures that even the most intricate data stories can be quickly grasped and understood without delving into the nitty-gritty details.

  • Derivation of Insights: Beyond mere summarization, InsightIQ goes a step further by deriving actionable insights from your visualizations. By analyzing trends, patterns, and key performance indicators (KPIs), this feature generates insightful narratives that help users make informed decisions. This automation of insights extraction saves time and empowers users to focus on strategic decision-making rather than spending valuable time interpreting data.

  • Text-Based Quick Review: The text-based summarization provided by InsightIQ offers a convenient way for users to conduct quick reviews of their data. Whether you're preparing for a meeting, conducting a rapid analysis, or simply need a snapshot of your data's key points, InsightIQ delivers the information you need in a format that is both accessible and efficient.

  • Automatic Insights for Trends and KPIs: InsightIQ specializes in automatically extracting insights related to trends and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). This ensures that you stay abreast of significant developments and performance metrics without manual effort. The automated nature of this feature enhances the agility of your data analysis, allowing you to respond promptly to emerging trends and shifts in your data landscape.

InsightIQ marks a shift in the way data is communicated and understood. By combining the power of natural language generation with data visualization, this feature bridges the gap between complex analytics and user-friendly insights. Experience a new era of data interpretation with InsightIQ, where the language of your data speaks directly to you, providing actionable insights at a glance.

3D Scene Visual Enhancements

In the 7.1 release, we've invested significant efforts into enhancing the capabilities of our 3D Scene Visuals, providing users with a more robust and user-friendly experience. The key improvements include:

  • Conditional Formatting for 3D Scenes: This powerful enhancement allows users to apply formatting rules based on specific conditions, enabling dynamic adjustments to visual elements within the 3D Scenes.

  • 3D Scene Designer Enhancements for Ease of Use: The enhancements to the designer interface streamline the design process, making it easier for users to manipulate and arrange elements within their 3D visualizations. With improved usability, users can now effortlessly navigate through the design space, enhancing the overall efficiency of crafting compelling and impactful 3D Scenes.

  • Additional Control for Data Labels in 3D Scene Visuals: The release introduces additional customization options, allowing users to fine-tune the placement, appearance, and visibility of data labels within the 3D Scene Visuals. This enhancement ensures that users can precisely convey key data points, enhancing the clarity and communicative power of 3D visualizations.

Other Chart/Visualization Enhancements

Beyond the core features, the 7.1 release introduces several impactful enhancements to various chart types and visualizations, catering to diverse analytical needs. Explore the following upgrades:

  • Fill Series Conditional Visualization for Stacked Area Charts: This enhancement enables users to apply conditional formatting to individual series within a stacked area chart. By dynamically adjusting the fill color based on specific conditions, users can emphasize key data points, trends, or anomalies, enhancing the interpretability of Stacked Area Charts and facilitating deeper insights.

  • New Trend Lines as Background for KPI Visuals: This enhancement provides users with an additional layer of context, allowing KPI visuals to showcase performance trends over time. Whether you're monitoring sales targets, user engagement, or any other KPI, the incorporation of Trend Lines as backgrounds enriches the visual representation, aiding users in better understanding performance trajectories.

  • Conditional Formatting Added to Card Visuals: This feature empowers users to apply formatting rules based on specific conditions, allowing for dynamic adjustments to the appearance of Card Visuals. Whether you want to highlight performance metrics, threshold breaches, or other critical data points, Conditional Formatting ensures that Card Visuals adapt dynamically to changing data scenarios.

  • Conditional Formatting Style Enhancements for Radar Charts: Users can now apply more sophisticated and visually striking formatting styles to radar charts, ensuring a more impactful representation of multivariate data. This enhancement adds versatility to the use of Radar Charts, allowing users to convey complex information with precision and style.

General Dashboard Designer Enhancements

In our ongoing commitment to refining the dashboard designing experience, the 7.1 release introduces several notable enhancements, empowering designers with greater control and flexibility. Here's a closer look at the key improvements:

  • New Page Export Property: This feature allows designers to define whether a dashboard page is permitted for export or not, providing an added layer of control during the design phase. By setting export permissions at design time, designers can tailor the sharing and distribution of their dashboards according to specific requirements and use cases.

  • Data Inclusion Option for Component Templates: This enhancement streamlines the template creation process, offering designers the freedom to decide whether data should be an integral part of the reusable template or left for customization at a later stage. This feature promotes efficiency and adaptability in template management.

  • Enhanced Data Label Templates: Designers can now tailor data label appearance with greater precision, ensuring that labels align seamlessly with the desired visual aesthetics. The addition of new formatting options enhances the overall customization capabilities, providing a more polished and professional look to data visualizations.

  • Grand Total Label Customization for Pivot Table Visuals: This enhancement allows designers to fine-tune the appearance of Pivot Tables, making them more intuitive and aligned with specific presentation preferences. The option to reposition Grand Total labels enhances the overall readability and usability of Pivot Table visuals.

  • New Styling Options for Horizontal Bar Data Visualizations: Designers can now enhance the visual appeal and distinctiveness of Horizontal Bar charts, ensuring that the representation of key performance metrics is both impactful and aligned with the overall design theme.

  • Dashboard Page Addition Using Templates: This new feature enhances the efficiency of dashboard design, allowing designers to incorporate predefined templates and quickly build comprehensive dashboards with multiple pages. This functionality accelerates the design process and facilitates consistency across multiple dashboard pages.

  • Link Conditional Visualization Criteria to Dashboard Parameters: This enhancement enables designers to create more responsive and adaptable dashboards, where visualization conditions are linked to parameter values. This connection ensures that the dashboard automatically adjusts based on changing parameter values, offering a more dynamic and personalized user experience.

Other Dashboard Viewer Enhancements

Continuing our commitment to enhancing the dashboard viewing experience, the 7.1 release introduces a range of improvements to the Dashboard Viewer. Explore these noteworthy enhancements designed to elevate the interactivity, usability, and versatility of your dashboards:

  • Allow Slicers to Filter Data in Native Query Datasets: This enhancement enhances the flexibility of dashboard interactivity, allowing users to refine and customize their data views using slicers seamlessly. With this feature, users can interact with Native Query Datasets more intuitively, ensuring a more dynamic and responsive dashboard experience.

  • Enhancements to Filter Criteria Definition for Scenarios During Preview: This improvement provides designers and users with more granular control over scenario parameters during the preview phase. Whether you are fine-tuning filter conditions or assessing the impact of different criteria, the enhanced filter criteria definition ensures a more precise and insightful preview experience.

  • Allow Export of Unaggregated Data as an Option: This feature provides users with the flexibility to choose whether they want to export data in its raw, unaggregated form. By offering this option, users can align their data export strategy with specific analytical needs, ensuring that exported data meets their exact requirements for further analysis and reporting.

Embedding and Integration Enhancements

The 7.1 release introduces several enhancements to embedding and integration capabilities. These improvements provide users with finer control and expanded options when integrating dashboards into various environments. Explore the following enhancements:

  • Control Dataset/Datasource Selection in Embedded Dashboard Designers: This enhancement ensures that designers can configure the level of autonomy granted to end-users when working within embedded dashboards. By controlling dataset and datasource selection, designers can streamline the design process, maintain data integrity, and tailor the user experience to specific embedding scenarios.

  • Control Mobile or Desktop View in DIV Integrations: This enhancement provides adaptability to diverse device environments, ensuring that embedded dashboards seamlessly align with the preferred display mode. Whether users are accessing dashboards on mobile devices or desktops, this feature offers a responsive and optimized viewing experience tailored to the specific integration context.

  • Add Scenarios using Component Templates and Pre-defined Components with JavaScript: This enhancement empowers developers to dynamically introduce scenarios and components through scripted interactions within embedded dashboards. This level of flexibility opens the door to more sophisticated and dynamic integrations, allowing for the seamless incorporation of pre-defined templates and components to enhance the embedded dashboard's functionality.

Bhupesh Malhotra

Bhupesh is a Global Product Manager at wynEnterprise. He loves to tell the story behind data through data visualization techniques. He likes to hear from customers and talk about their experiences with reporting and analytics. When he isn't thinking about data, he spends time with his family and enjoys traveling to new places with them. You can connect with Bhupesh on Twitter

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