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What's New in WynReports v7.1

WynReports v7.1 has arrived, introducing expanded options for embedding and customizing the appearance and functionality of the Report Designer and Report Viewer components. Developers now have greater control over feature availability, empowering seamless embedding of reporting functionality in hosted web applications. This release also brings performance optimizations, enriched report types, new parameter controls, and a refreshed designer interface for an enhanced user experience.

Read the full Wyn v7.1 release post here.

New Report Layout Options with Multi-Section RDL Reports

In the 7.1 release, we're excited to introduce a revolutionary report type that brings unparalleled flexibility to your reporting experience. This new report type allows for the incorporation of 'sections' within RDL reports, unlocking a realm of possibilities for diverse and dynamic reporting needs.

Key Features: 

  • Section-Based Formatting: Customize each section uniquely within an RDL report. Users can apply distinct formatting, accommodating varied structures, orientations, and page layouts for precise data presentation.

  • Mix of Page-Based and RDL Layout: Seamlessly integrate page-based and RDL layouts for a cohesive and visually appealing report presentation. Leverage the strengths of both layouts within a single report for a versatile canvas that adapts to diverse data structures and content types.

  • Dynamic Orientation Mix: Accommodate diverse content needs with portrait and landscape pages in a single report. Ideal for Annual Reports, Business Proposals, Sales Catalogs, and Portfolios, it enables users to blend data-rich sections seamlessly.

This new report type is a testament to our commitment to empowering users with tools that adapt to modern business needs. The Multi-Section RDL Reports offer unparalleled flexibility and customization, ensuring that your reports not only convey data but do so in a visually compelling and tailored manner.

New Custom Parameter Types

In the dynamic landscape of report design, the 7.1 release introduces a suite of new customer parameter types, enhancing the versatility and user-friendliness of parameter inputs. Explore the following additions that empower report designers with more refined control over time-related entries:

  • New Date Range Parameter with Custom Relative Date Ranges: Revolutionize date parameter interaction with custom relative date ranges. This feature empowers designers to offer users predefined dynamic options like 'Last 7 Days' or 'This Month,' enhancing efficiency and simplifying date selection.
  • New Custom Parameter Control for DateTime Ranges: Elevate precision in time-related inputs with a refined control allowing granular definition of DateTime ranges. Ideal for accurate reporting in scenarios like event tracking or time-sensitive data.

WynReports Designer Enhancements

The 7.1 release introduces significant enhancements to the WynReports Designer, focusing on improving usability, visual representation, and overall user experience. Explore the following additions that elevate the design and preview capabilities within the report designer:

  • Auto Generation of Report Thumbnails for Tiles in the Document Portal Lists: Transform Document Portal Lists with dynamic report thumbnails, providing a visual preview of actual report executions. This enhancement enhances the portal's aesthetic appeal, aiding users in quick identification and selection of desired reports.

  • New Layout Menu Ribbon for Ease of Use: The WynReports Designer is now more intuitive with a streamlined design process. This user-friendly ribbon allows designers to effortlessly navigate layout options, ensuring easy access to essential tools for efficient and seamless design experiences.

Customer Requested Features

In alignment with our commitment to customer satisfaction, the 7.1 release incorporates several features requested directly by our valued users. These additions aim to enhance the overall user experience and cater to specific needs identified by our dedicated user community. Explore the following customer-requested features included in this release:

  • Support for Display Format for Date/Time Parameters: In response to user feedback, Wyn Enterprise 7.1 introduces customizable display formats for date/time parameters. Users can now tailor the appearance based on preferences and reporting needs, offering a more personalized and flexible approach.

  • Support for Date Formats Based on Dataset Datatype: In 7.1, support for date formats based on dataset datatype is introduced. This dynamic feature aligns the presentation with the characteristics of the dataset, ensuring a seamless and contextually relevant reporting experience.

Other Enhancements

The 7.1 release brings forth a host of additional report enhancements, fine-tuning various aspects of report generation and user interactions. Explore the following improvements that contribute to a more robust and user-friendly reporting experience:

  • Enhancements to Options Available in Excel Data Exports: Explore refined export capabilities with improved options for Excel exports. Users gain greater flexibility to tailor exported files, addressing formatting preferences, data inclusion/exclusion, and export-related nuances for a polished and customized result.

  • Improvements for Handling Cached Datasets with No Data: In 7.1, enhancements address scenarios with empty cached datasets, ensuring a smoother user experience. This refinement maintains reliability and consistency in reporting, offering clearer insights into data availability.

  • "Apply" Parameter Values Actions to Change, Reset, Toggle Parameter Values During Preview: Enhance the parameter control experience in report preview with 'Apply' actions. Users can dynamically change, reset, or toggle parameter values directly within the preview stage, streamlining the adjustment process for a more interactive and responsive experience.

Integration and Embedding Enhancements

The 7.1 release introduces a suite of enhancements in the realm of integration and embedding, catering to developers seeking greater control, performance, and customization when embedding WynReports into their applications. Explore the following additions that amplify the options available to developers and elevate the overall embedding experience:

  • Support for Wyn APIv2: Empower developers with enhanced integration capabilities through the introduction of Wyn APIv2. This broadens functionalities for seamless integration, allowing developers to leverage the latest features for a dynamic and feature-rich embedding experience.

  • Ability to Set Default Display Mode for Preview in Report Design: Customize the default preview experience in report design by setting display modes. Developers can now predefine optimal modes, streamlining the workflow for a consistent and user-friendly report creation process.

  • Enhancements to Audit Logs Retrieved from Report Execution: Gain a comprehensive view of data filters and context with enhanced audit logs from report execution. This improvement fosters better transparency and accountability in the reporting process, providing developers with deeper insights into data tracking and performance metrics.

  • Improved Performance with Paginated Output for Exports from the Server Side: Optimize export efficiency with improved paginated output from the server side. This enhancement ensures faster and more responsive exports, especially for large datasets.

  • More Customizability and Actions Overloading Options with Report Viewer and Report Designer Components: Amplify customization with Report Viewer and Designer components. Developers gain greater control, including options to disable or hide dataset selection, for a more granular approach in tailoring embedded components to specific application requirements.

Bhupesh Malhotra

Bhupesh is a Global Product Manager at wynEnterprise. He loves to tell the story behind data through data visualization techniques. He likes to hear from customers and talk about their experiences with reporting and analytics. When he isn't thinking about data, he spends time with his family and enjoys traveling to new places with them. You can connect with Bhupesh on Twitter

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