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Track & Notify Your Team About BI Data Changes With Wyn Alerts

Nowadays businesses look for dashboards to strengthen their decision-making process. Dashboards present a quick insight into valuable information about the business’s progress, or performance. By focussing on the relevant KPIs together, dashboards help organizations identify the workplace statistics at a glance.

However, given the pace of daily tasks business users are not able to watch the dashboard all the time. This can pose a potential business risk if a critical situation goes unattended.

To help businesses overcome such situations, Wyn Enterprise 6.0 introduces the Wyn Alerts feature with the dashboards. It allows you to configure notifications for a data change in the dashboard that needs immediate attention. That way you are connected with the dashboard all the time, especially in situations that demand quick resolutions.

What is Wyn Alerts

Wyn Alerts is Wyn Enterprise’s approach to data monitoring that continuously evaluates critical data in the dashboard against a threshold value and raises an alert to the authorized business user.

For example, a dashboard visualizing the production floor’s machine status to raise the alarm and notify the Floor manager whenever the machine's status goes unavailable. Or a Sales manager won’t open a dashboard anytime and just want to receive a message when the monthly sales number goes below a benchmark.

Benefits of Wyn Alerts

Monitoring the data ensures continuity in the business process by keeping a vigilant check on a data point and alerting as soon as an event occurs. Some of the key benefits that Wyn Alerts provides are:

  1. Quick detection of risks: Get alerted for metrics(or known risks) as soon as they go beyond a defined threshold.

  2. Solve issues faster: Ensure immediate identification of the data problems to enable businesses to intervene and resolve them quickly.

  3. Save time and cost: Instant notifications when the data refreshes. It saves time and cost from manual tracking of the latest change in data.

  4. More accuracy in decision making: Eliminates manual checks thus human error can be avoided, resulting in more accurate business decisions around the key metrics.


How it works

The diagram below depicts how data monitoring with Wyn Alerts works in Wyn Enterprise. It starts with configuring and managing permissions and notification channels on the Administrator Portal, goes through adding data monitoring on a measure, defining the execution plan, and selecting the notification channel in the dashboard. When the event occurs, Wyn Alerts trigger an alarm, and a notification is sent via the selected channel - Email, Slack, or Microsoft Teams, to the authorized business user.

You can edit, enable/disable, alarm status, etc. Wyn Alerts from the Data Monitoring page on the user portals as shown below:

For more information on setting up data monitoring, follow the user guide.

Business examples for use of Wyn Alerts

Wyn Alerts can find its use in any business process, be it associated with manufacturing, airline, healthcare, finance, logistics, or any other industry. There exist numerous examples where Wyn Alerts fits into your business process for data monitoring. A few of these examples are as listed below:

  • Tracking scrap rate on the production floor in a manufacturing unit and raising an alert when the scrap rate is less than 1%.

  • Monitor the production line’s running status and notify the Supervisor or Manager when any of the machines, on the line or belt, stop.

  • Keep a check on the server’s running status and alert the IT administration team to turn it ON if it does not start after a shutdown (planned or accidental).

  • Keeping track of different milestones in the software development lifecycle and notifying the stakeholders with information related to the time left to achieve the defined milestones.

  • Scheduling a flight is a continuous process involving the movement of equipment and people, and checking the availability of runways, crew, etc. Enabling data monitoring to check the availability of these resources can help with quicker flight scheduling.

  • Trigger alarm as soon as bed or room is available in the hospital can fasten up the hospital admission procedureand save time for patients as well as administration.

  • Evaluating the top gainers or losers on an hourly basis since the market opens can help with day trading of stocks to get in and out of stocks.

  • The sales manager monitors the sales completion rate through a dashboard and wants to receive a message if the rate is lower than 75% on the 20th of each month.

Watch Wyn Alerts in Action

Check our video and learn how to enable data monitoring in Wyn Dashboards using Wyn Alerts. 


Wyn Alerts in Wyn Enterprise adds a data monitoring and notification layer on top of the insights generated by a dashboard. It enables you to define the events you want to watch, define who gets alerts at what thresholds, and eventually increase your work efficiency.

Paarisha Rana

As a software engineer, Paarisha enjoys the team environment of encouragement and learning. She enjoys reading, aerobics, travelling, and exploring historical places. Paarisha graduated from Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) at Lucknow (India) with a Bachelor's of Technology in Information Technology, and you can find her on LinkedIn.

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